We hope you have enjoyed the Coronation Weekend and managed to join in some of the events despite the rain!

Thank you to the parents/ carers who attended the Year 11 ‘Power to Perform’ workshop and Parent Forum last week. It is good to have parents/ carers involved in the life of the school and we know that when all stakeholders work together students achieve better outcomes from their five years at secondary school.

One of the discussions from the Parent Forum focussed around communication. Parents/ carers at the Forum asked if we could remind everyone that if you need to report a concern this can be done anonymously or by giving your name using our ‘Report a Concern’ button on the homepage of the website (or following this link – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/report-concerns/ ) The information from this form is sent to Mrs Pennington-Chick (Senior Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Mrs Valleley (Assistant Headteacher and i/c of Communication). They will then decide how best to proceed with the concern.

If you wish to contact the school regarding your son/ daughter’s progress or have a general question, we always encourage all communication through your child’ tutor. They can be contacted via email using general@thehambleschool.co.uk Please add your child’s name and tutor group (and/or tutor) to the email. You can find out details of tutor groups here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/pastoral-care/ or on Class Charts.

We have recently had meetings with the Headteachers of our three feeder schools – Hamble Primary, Netley Abbey Junior and Bursledon Junior to put in place final plans for our Year 6 Transition Programme. We will be distributing information to Year 6 parents/ carers this week and can’t wait to meet all the children and their parents/ carers.

Next week is Week 1.

Events w/b 02 May

w/b 09 May – Year 9 Formal Exams

09 & 10 May – Year 11 Final GCSE Photography Exam

09 & 10 May – Year 11 Polish Speaking Exam

09 May – Wet Wheels Trip (selected students)

11 May – Year 11 BTEC PE Resit (selected students)

12 May – Year 9 HPV 2 Vaccinations

12 May – Year 10 Drama Barton Peveril Trip (selected students)

12 May – Year 9 School Council Meeting

14 May – Year 11 GCSE Maths revision (timings in the top up/ warm up booklet)

Year 11 Intervention in on Tuesday and Thursday this week. Thursday 11 May will be the last session before students need to start attending the top up/ warm up classes detailed in the booklet sent home.


Future Dates

15 May – Year 11 Final GCSE written exams start

23 May – Year 10 Raising Achievement Evening 6pm – Join the T&L Team to learn about effective revision. Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/PZpshq1Fq9


Letters/ Emails sent last week

All year groups – Ms Roome, Lockdown Drill

Year 11 – Quality Quotes

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/


Theme of the Week: Friendships – Cooperation is better than conflict

This week Mrs Morgan will be delivering the assemblies. We will focus on conflict resolution and fierce conversations. There will be a discussion around friendship and social media. Mrs Morgan will explain how we can all use difficult conversations to resolve friendship issues in a positive way.

Conflict Resolution is the process of resolving a disagreement or dispute between two or more parties.

Importance: Conflict resolution is important because it helps to prevent misunderstandings, reduce tension and promote cooperation.

Techniques: There are many techniques that can be used to resolve conflicts. These include active listening, compromise, collaboration, and problem-solving.

Fierce conversations are conversations in which people are honest, direct, and respectful.

Importance: Fierce conversations are important because they help to build trust, improve relationships, and increase productivity.

Techniques: There are many techniques that can be used to have a fierce conversation. These include speaking truthfully and respectfully, asking questions to clarify understanding, and actively listening.

Fierce Conversations – Achieving Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time by Susan Scott is a great book if you are interested in reading more on this subject.

Students will also focus on how they can communicate more effectively during Personal Development time as part of our tutor programme.


Year 9 Exams

For next week’s exam Year 9 students will need:

  • Black Biros
  • B pencil
  • Rubber
  • Ruler
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Scientific Calculator (lid removed)
  • Maths equipment: Protractor, Compass,
  • Highlighter
  • All equipment should be stored in a clear, transparent pencil case.


They must follow the rules outlined below:

  • Bagdrop is the container – enter via one end (gate end), place bag on shelves (alphabetical by surname) and exit other end of container.
  • Line up in the Quadrant in seating plan order (tutors already have this and should be discussing it).
  • Equipment check – basic equipment for every exam.
  • Silence to be observed at all times –in exam conditions from the moment they leave the exam line up and enter the exam room until they leave the exam room again.
  • Water bottles should be transparent and free of any writing / symbols – we need to be able to see straight through it. Orange juice for example is not allowed as we cannot see through the liquid.
  • Pencil cases should be a clear pencil case
  • Uniform to be correct.


Year 11 Update

Year 11 start their Top Up and Warm Up programme on Friday 12 May. This timetable has been given out to students (and explained in an assembly). A copy has previously been emailed home, however, we have also attached it to the Weekly Message. Please do go through this with your son/ daughter and ensure they attend all sessions. In tutor they have been told whether they are A band or B band and which options they study for WXYZ. If you have any questions, please email general@thehambleschool.co.uk and your child’s tutor will be able to help.

There is a Maths revision session on Sunday 14 May (0900 – B Band, 1100 – A Band). It is vital that your son/ daughter comes along as the Maths team will provide useful hints/ tips.

A reminder that every morning A7 will be open from 8am to ensure students to have a calm quiet space before exams and SC16 is available every lunchtime for revision.

We know that exams can be stressful for students and parents/ carers. Place2be is an organisation who focus on improving children’s mental health and they have created some tip sheets full of practical advice to help young people and families manage stress during exam season.

Exam tips for students

Exam trips for parents/ carers


Photography News!

Last term, Miss Petty helped run the Rotary Interschool Photography Competition at The Hamble School on behalf of Ringwood School. The theme was ‘Movement’ and we received over 60 entries from all year groups, which is fantastic!

The Rotary Interschool Photography Competition received hundreds of entries from 18 different schools in Hampshire, and I am delighted to say that Ethan H was selected to form part of the final exhibition of photographs, with his photograph ‘Flight’. Ethan H was invited to the private view and prize giving evening at Ringwood school.

Ethan’s photograph will then form an exhibition with all other shortlisted photographs, which opens on Saturday 29th April at the New Forest Heritage Centre Gallery in Lyndhurst. This exhibition will remain open to the public until early June.

Congratulations Ethan!


Proud Friday

Congratulations to the following students who visited ‘Proud Friday’ this week. Their work was fantastic and all were awarded positive points:

Mason M – Yr 8

Teegan W – Yr 11

Grace R – Yr 11

Libbie G – Yr 11

Mia H – Yr 11

Cassidy M – Yr 11

Ellie P – Yr 11

Finley S – Yr 11


If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/